Java-based Collision Avoidance System for Vehicular Communications


A Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is a special kind of ad hoc networks, which provides communication primitives among computers installed in a vehicle. One of the goals of VANET systems is the safety. Therefore, we are interested in collision avoidance among vehcles. For clarification, the term "collisions" here refers to collisions between cars or between cars and pedestrians, not for packet transmission in MAC.


Hirommy is a java-based collision avoidance system for vehicular communications, and Hirommicam is the mobile version of Hirommy. This project was directed by Prof. Hiromi Okada, hence the names are Hirommy and Hirommicam. By using GPS information, each vehicle exchanges its location information with its neighbors wirelessly, and computes its direction, velocity, acceleration, and so on. When a car is at risk of colliding with another car, Hirommy alerts the driver. The source code could be compiled with Java version 1.4.2, which is most likely not to be compatible with current Java. The project was terminated in August 2005, and I will not update the software.



Before compile, you need to do followings:


Fig. 1 Hirommy Title Fig. 2 Hirommy2 Title
Fig. 4 Hirommy2 Monitor (1024 x 768) Fig. 5 Hirommy2 Simulation (1024 x 768)


Fig. 6 Hiromicam Monitor
Fig. 7 Hiromicam Setup


ITS (Intelligent Transportation System) Group at Kansai University